Firm or Feeble foundation?


The towering skyscrapers that exude grandeur to all the major city Skylines are a testament of their majestic splendor when we glance at their facade. However, Their architectural prowess lies in their foundation/base which is not visible to the naked eye. When we look around, We can say the same not just for material buildings but even intangible things such as friendships, relationships etc. The deeper or the stronger the foundation is, the taller it gets, stands undaunted through all seasons.

When we read the Word of God, We see the significance of a solid foundation. Revelation 21:19-21 talks about the foundation God has given to the New Jerusalem. The foundation of the walls od the city were adorned with all kinds of precious stones. We should ponder on what the modern earthly structures have their foundation made of. Am certain that it would not be of any costly stones. Makes me even more excited to get to heaven. Coming back to what we were talking about, we do see a biblical Character, the Wisest of all men on earth, King Solomon who built the Temple of Jerusalem using costly stones. We can see it recorded in I Kings 7:9,10.

Many a times we strive to beautify our external veneer. Are we investing any time/effort on our life's foundation ? What is the foundation of a Christian's life? It should be on "Jesus". Are we spending our costly stones(could be anything that we give value to) such as our time, wealth, abilities to make our foundation strong on Christ the solid rock. If your foundation is strong, you will see the difference in your life. In the Bible, Its written in Psalms 87:1 "His foundation is in the Holy Mountains and the Lord loves the gates of Zion." If the foundation is tough, whatever storms/challenges that batter against it, be it financial hardships, workplace/health issues or even material blessings, cannot drag you away from Christ and his love.

When the Lord wants to bless our gates, if our foundation is not strong, we tend to collapse. Let's ensure that we have a resilient foundation on Christ the chief cornerstone. As our gazes are fixed on him, our life on this earth will be fruitful and leaves us with a promise of a blessed eternity with him.